Bulk ListingsThe bulk listings are designed for small telephone carriers and resellers to provide listings services to their customers. The data will populate the CNAME databases as well as those used for directory assistance. We have a contract that is a mutual non-disclosure agreement and a statement saying you are responsible for your listings, a document describing the necessary file format and information to included in the listing file. We will assign you an Operator Carrier Number (OCN) and provide you access to a server for you to upload and manage your listings. How to get started:Step 1: Create your ListYourself! account, click here Step 2: Download the Agreement Step 3: ListYourself.net will contact you within 24 hours to discuss the service options. Step 4: Download the LSSi Data Supplier Specification and create your data file of your customers. Step 5: Upload your customer data as often as you like. Step 6: Your customers will be listed and published as you and they wish. PricingThe monthly pricing is:
There is a $25 one time set up fee. For more information contact us at
Locksmith and other business category listings are accepted at the flat rate of $2 a piece..
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